Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To Burn or To Dump?

Durham region's planned garbage incinerator has three things going for it: the region's medical officer has given it the green light, it meets provincial environmental regulations; and modern incinerators of this type, which turn waste into energy, are safely used across Europe. However, critics of incineration argue that the better option is to produce less waste and reuse/recycle more. Unfortunately, we need a place to put items that cannot be recycled. We could either incinerate the remaining garbage, or put them in landfills. Nobody wishes to have any more landfills, so at the moment, incinerators are our only option. Also, a well run, modern incinerator meets all of our health, environmental, and safety standards. Whether they decide to build a landfill or build an incinerator, there will always be critics. But pledging to boost recycling and dispose of what remains is taking the right route.

I believe the incinerator is a fine idea. If it meets Canadian environmental, health, and safety standard then why not build an incinerator? It gets rid of waste much more efficiently than a landfill. Also, the incinerator burns waste to create energy. This is much more efficient than burying waste that will become a problem in the future. Waste cannot decompose fast enough in land fills. The best option however, is to still recycle one's goods. This is the most environmentally friendly way to use waste. We cannot recycle everything however. Objects and possessions will eventually be thrown out. This, hopefully, is when the incinerators will be used. The burning of waste will still create carbon dioxide and ash however, which will pollute the earth. However, in comparison with landfills, burning waste to create energy is much more efficient than burying our waste under our feet.


1 comment:

  1. I disagree, an incinerators job is to burn the waste. Once the waste is burned all of it's deadly toxins are then released into the atmosphere. Think about all of the toxins that are used in making plastic toys,which are being put into the same air we breath from. I understand why people are opposed to the idea of using landfills, they look ugly, take up valuable space, and stink. However, at this moment in time I believe they are better for the environment then incinerators. I do agree with you saying that the best way is to just reuse and recycle. This would prevent the use of any of these two garbage disposal ideas. Unfortunaltely you can not reuse and recyle everything. In conclusion, I believe that incinerators are a bad idea, and that we should stick with using the landfills.
